Saturday, November 29, 2008
I Love.......
....pecan pie.
....being lazy on an inner tube on the Lazy River.
....loud relatives. mom's homemade enchiladas.
....long naps under the background noise and clamor of a family reunion.
....Psalm 103.
....refusing to get up and shop just because everything is on sale.
....salsa late into the night in the middle of the week.
Aaah the holidays..... :)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Things I Love About My Church Family.....
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I often think of the familiarity with which nurses treat the human body. And the utter trust that most people place in our hands, just because we have the letters "RN" behind our name on our badge. Complete strangers, trusting that we will do no harm, will work our best to bring their children back to complete health - or at least in a bit better shape than they were brought in.
I find myself holding hands, stroking forheads, patting backs, of children and anxious parents I was unaware existed minutes ago. Asking teenagers to allow me to ask them the most personal, embarrassing questions, to expose their awkward bodies to me, to divulge secrets even their best friends don't know. Listening and holding kleenex's out to parents as they pour out their stories to me, stories of abandonment and struggling as a single mom and the loss of trust between loved ones, even though I can't remember their first name, because I'm there and I ask and my vocation calls for compassion in all situations - and they understand that.
Some of favorite moments of work - those, "aha! this is why I'm a nurse" - come when I'm simply standing in a room next to a child, lying with eyes closed, lights darkened, or maybe even eyes open and staring up at me, those dark, lash-framed, slightly fearful yet trustful at the same time. I hold my stethescope up to their chest, or I slowly push a medicine through their IV that will relieve their pain or ease their breathing. Three or four minutes, nothing said between us, yet I can hear their raspy breaths, the hiccups of a child who's just finished a crying spell, the long tired sigh of a parent struggling to stay awake after sixteen or eighteen hours of caring for a sick child. Nursing opens the door for me to step into someone else's world, to accept that the relief of their pain and suffering is my responsibility - sometimes that responsibility can be heavy.
I also have decided, through my nursing work, that our culture is incredibly touch-deprived. Yes there is plenty of I'm-needy-touching of bodies, satisfy-my-needs-touching, make-me-feel-good-touching; an overload perhaps. But the focus of all of the above is me, me, me. That touch that says - I'm here, I care about you, I am present with you in your pain, in your good times, in your life - it is a rare person who knows how to employ that without any selfish ambition at all. With simply the desire to give hope and encouragement to that person. Just ask yourself - when was the last time that you were given a good, I-care-about-you-and-think-you're-great huge with anyone other than your significant other?
Being a nurse makes me think about all these things - about true compassion, the frailty of the human body, the need for empathetic touch. Nursing is an expression of Christ to the world, in a sense.
"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." "Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble." "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
"Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. 24News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed, and he healed them."
It's easy for me, as a follower of Christ, to simply go to my job, do the motions, to reject the deeper meaning of my vocation. Yet then I have those quiet moments, almost like that moment in the movie Big Fish, where Ewan McGregor's character freezes the motion in the circus tent, brushes aside popcorn from in the air, and stares intently into the blue eyes of a fresh-faced girl, because he knows instinctively that this moment contains crucial meaning for his life. It's easy to let those moments flash past me.
Yet God is speaking to me through every person I care for - that meth-addicted mom screaming frustratedly at her toddler; the 16-year-old looking at me with empty eyes as she describes her rape; the chubby 5th-grader trying to catch his breath before the asthma catches him and ends him for good; they are all Jesus. He looks up at me with those empty eyes, walks past me in the hall, asks impatiently when he will be seen - asking me, Will you love me, in every shape, form, size, color, smell? Will you see me for who I really am?
Do you love Me?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Travelling Mercies.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Global Missions Health Conference 2008
I joined 6 other Kansas Citians in a 8 hour drive to Louisville, KY to the Global Missions Health Conference held at Southeast Christian Church (aka Six Flags Over Jesus, per Dr Condra from Children's Mercy - no offense meant to anyone - but it IS a flippin' huge church). I don't even know how many thousands of people were at this conference - dozens of hour-long breakout sessions over topics like urban neighborhood transformation through community-based medical care, refugee health in Afghanistan, how to allocate limited resources in the mission field, how to be a medical missionary despite your student loans, community-based primary healthcare and how it reduces the under-five mortality rates in rural India, how to avoid dependence syndrome and promote sustainability in overseas medical projects.........
Yes, if your mind gets boggled just reading all of the above, imagine being completely immersed in it for 48 hours.
I loved every minute of it.
What was even better was the fact that every person in the conference, or at least the vast majority of them, were motivated by the fact that their relationship with a Compassionate Creator motivated them to work in transforming the spiritual and physical lives of people who are born in utter poverty in the darkest corners of the world - from Memphis, Tennessee to Kabul, Afghanistan.
High points -
- Meeting various relief workers who had been in Sudan and worked with my coworkers (the NGO world is really incredibly tiny)
- Listening to Dr Carl Taylor, Dr John Patrick, and Admiral Zeimer
- Hearing Dr Donlon speak about his work in inner city Memphis, providing low cost medical care to refugees and how his work positively impacted the development of skills the ministry workers later used in their long-term work in places like Somalia and Sudan
- Talking with the physician who will be leading the team to Afghanistan in May of which I will insha'allah be a member
- Receiving total confirmation from the Lord that - yes - Kansas City is where I want you to be right now; and yes - I am sending you to the mission field in the future; and yes - I want you to go back to school!!!
There were so many quotes, words of wisdom, practical resources, just information that was poured into me over the few days of the conference, I feel it's going to take me weeks to sort through it all and start applying towards my future and current work.
Maybe even just as incredible as all the speakers and lecturers was the group I went with. I cannot even begin to describe the comeraderie and unity of spirit in that group - despite our very diverse backgrounds and experiences, male and female, nurses and med student, frequent fliers and non-passport-holders, country music lovers and folk music lovers and rap music lovers (that becomes very crucial information when you are in a car for 8+ hours with someone!), Catholic and Protestant - it is amazing how the passion for the Lord and for his people joins such diverse people together, and how much you learn and grow when you open yourself up to new experiences and new friends. I loved it!!!!! :)
Needless to say, I am terribly excited about what God has for me. I have no idea what I'll be doing in 6 months, where I'll be living, if I'll still be a "night owl" or not, but I just long so much to draw closer to God and see him take me down an incredible path of faith.
Let's rock 'n' roll!!!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Limbo, limbo, limbo...
I have many, many fond memories of going to Skate City in Chanute, taking kids from Cherry Street, going myself in my neon-green-and-hot-pink roller blades with gel wheels!!! and always wanting to be on the skate racing team....yeah I still get yelled at in the skating rink for going too fast...Skating always feels so freeing, just gliding along in circles, movin' to the music, following the disco ball lights with your feet, playing limbo, falling flat on your face, laughing, getting back up, skating backwards, and just moving.
These kids from Rosedale Church were so fun to take skating. Lots of them had never been before, and I have to admit, as long as the kid doesn't knock himself out, it's hilarious to watch them skate around the rink, legs wobbly, arms flailing out in an attempt to keep their balance, shrieking with laughter when they collide with each other or the wall - I only saw one kid actually come off the rink crying. And I've decided that my new favorite thing in the world is those Fisher Price toddler skates - the ones that don't really roll, just kinda chink-chink-chink across the floor, and you don't really have to worry about the kid falling too awful much.
Sooooo in closing - I love roller skating. I think I should take it up as my new hobby.....And I'm going to a three-day medical missions conference this week in Louisville, Kentucky this week! Going with a bunch of friends from church and work, we're road-trippin' it up there and back, and it is gonna be the bomb. I am pumped. Of course we're leaving Thursday morning at 8 am....and I work Wednesday night, 7 pm - 7 I will be either delirious or comatose or both by the time we get there Thursday afternoon....woop woop for medical missions!!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
- John 1:1-5
Regardless of how many times I read this, it never fails to awe me with its simple statement of truth, fact, reality. Word = logos, reason; per Heraclitus, the rational principle that pervades human thought; the reason that rules the universe; the moment of beginning or root cause; genesis - the beginning.
The Word - Logos - was with God in the beginning...Jesus, the God-Man, as the Root Cause, the Beginning, the Rational Principle - embodied in vulnerable flesh and making his dwelling among us. And the world did not recognize him...
"He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him." (Jn 1:11). How tragic that a world, the kosmos of mankind, has become so twisted, strayed so far from true Reality that it does not welcome him, embrace him when he walks among us as one of us.
"...but in these last days, He has spoken to us by his Son...The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word." (Heb. 1:2-3).
Jesus, as the exact representation of the LORD, the embodiment in flesh of the Creator. If I truly desire to be a Christ-follower, an embodiment myself of Jesus and thus of God, how different would I live my life? Would I recognize this fragile shell as redeemed, transformed by the sacrifice of Christ, and now a holy representation of God himself?
In him was life....the One and Only Son, who is at the Father's side, has made the LORD known to the world.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Now do-si-do your partner round.....
(don't they look like they're having fun???)
"Square dance is a folk dance with four couples (eight dancers) arranged in a square, with one couple on each side, beginning with Couple 1 facing away from the music and going counter-clockwise until getting to Couple 4. Couples 1 and 3 are known as the head couples, while Couples 2 and 4 are the side couples. Each dance begins and ends each sequence with "sets-in-order" in the square formation. The dance was first described in 17th century England but was also quite common in France and throughout Europe and bears a marked similarity to Scottish Country Dancing. It has become associated with the United States of America due to its historic development in that country. Nineteen U.S. states have designated it as their official state dance." ( of the guys from my church concocted a plan to take all the adult volunteers on a "fellowship night" to Raytown, MO to learn square dancing. I have to admit that although I love dancing, I was a little apprehensive about this. Mostly because,
a) I hate country music. I don't just mean, oh I don't like it very much; I mean I physically leave the room if a truly country song comes on. Yes I am prejudiced and I apologize and I give you permission to make fun of my favorite musical styles. I can handle a lil Hank Williams or Johnny Cash, mostly for its folk-music quality. But strains of Tim McGraw makes me want to vomit a lil in my mouth.
b) We were "requested" by Justin to wear plaid, cowboy boots and hats, or some other countrified apparatus to show our true affinity with - heck, I don't know, I guess the square dancers. I don't own plaid. Correction - I own one shirt with a very faint plaid-resembling pattern. No boots, no hat. I wore a black shirt and trouser jeans with ballet slippers and my amazing red-patterned scarf/shawl from Kassala, Sudan. I know, I'm such a bad sport.
c) Square dancing is a calling dance - meaning, they have a guy up front who calls out different moves and you're expected to immediately start moving in a specific pattern. I have serious problems with verbal directions - a big reason why I no longer do casino rueda salsa. Because when you mess up, you mess up the entire group of people dancing, and they start getting peeved looks on their faces, your partner furrows his brow and says, Ok, let's get it right now, and the whole situation is just awkward...
We finally arrived at the church after a false start at a different one (did we really think a church with a building and people that young would have square dancing???), and were immediately plunged into huge hoola-hoop-sized "fruffly" skirts, golden bloomers, panty-hose-enclosed legs ending in sturdy black orthopedic shoes, old men with hair slicked back with Aussie gel, scattered styrofoam cups stained with coffee and old pink lipstick, Wrangler pearl-snap mens' shirts stretched taut over potbellies, tappin' your toe, do-si-do, plain ol' good clean country fun.
I honestly don't know who had more fun - the eleven "teenagers" staring at the caller, trying to listen intently to the dance moves called out, clenching tightly the hand of whatever poor senior citizen was recruited to yank them through each dance move; or the gray-haired woman or man saying, Now go, that way, hold your hand out, stop, pass through, bow to your corner, no this way, no stay! Through half the dance, all of us collapsed in laughter, we at the fact we were so incompetent in our dancing skills and unable to keep a square "square", the older folks at the antics of those youngsters who would periodically break out a hip hop move or a disco hand when the beat suddenly struck us and we simply did whatever felt natural to us - which is certainly not to promenade or make a half-turn star.
All of us "teenagers" - that's what they kept calling us, teenagers, although none of us are under 21, but I suppose that when you're 75, anything under 30 looks like a high schooler to you! - all of us teenagers expressed amazement that by 10 pm, we were ready to keel over from exhaustion, while the older folks kept on dancing, dancing, dancing. Of course when you drink coffee constantly for the first 2 hours, you can handle pretty much anything that comes your way!
Over and over before we left, I heard from the older folks, You bring so much life to our dancing! And I would stop, and look over the room - on average, 50 years' difference between the people now holding each others' hands, laughing as they share a hilarious blunder on the younger's part. Really, we come from different worlds - the America they experienced and grew up in has now transformed into a totally different country. Some of those people may not even live to see the next President inaugerated. Yet what a beautiful thing when those differences are blurred and you discover that you share something with the grey-haired, wrinkly, smiling, bobbing lady next to you; a love of life.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Passionate Nomad
This was especially inspiring to me because her life as a traveller and writer really didn't start until she was in her late 20's - and even then, she really found her niche in her post-40 years. She was also single, except for a brief unsucessful attempt at marriage in her late 50's (The man was homosexual, so it's really no wonder it didn't work out). Of course reading it made me want to jump on a plane and run away to Jordan, or Syria or Lebanon, or at least take a look at the Egyptian pyramids, for crying out loud. My time will come...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Nicaragua Travel Tips...
On our way to Granada, we stopped at Mombacho Volcano and did a canopy tour on ziplines. It took about an hour and a half, cost $23, and was more than worth it. Nothing like hanging 100 feet above the ground with only a metal cable and harness between you and the sky. :) You can even convince the tour guides to let you do the zip line upside down or belly down Superman-style. To get to the zipline course, the guides drive you up the side of the volcano through beautiful rain forest trees and coffee plants. While on the zip line and on the platforms, you can look out over Granada and the surrounding area - incredible views. The reservation also offers a 3-hour hiking tour and other activities, although we only had time for the canopy tours.
Granada itself - we basically stopped in the historical square, ate at Mona Lisa Pizza Shoppe, bought a few trinkets from the sidewalk vendors of "folk handicrafts", and then left. I wasn't too horribly impressed with what I saw - including a street show of a giant woman puppet and a midget man acting out a blow job; the boys who afterward emerged from their costumes and went around with a hat asking for money didn't get any donations from me for that performance. I think they were the same 10-year-olds I had seen earlier in the day lounging against the side of a building smoking a joint and making kissing faces at me when I walked by....