Friday, October 31, 2008

Nicaragua Update

I recently went on an 8-day medical missions trip to Rio Blanco, Nicaragua. Below is my final update to my supporters about the trip and what we did....

Hello Friends and Family,

I arrived safely back from Nicaragua this past Sunday night. It was a fantastic trip! God did so many wonderful things and the whole team had a terrific time.I arrived in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, on Oct 18 and met with the other people on my team. God really answered my prayers in asking for team unity, because we all immediately clicked. There were people from all over the States - North Carolina, Los Angeles, Louisiana, Boston...but everyone shared a heart full of love for God and for the people we would serve.Sunday, we all piled into a huge school bus and and drove about 5 hours to Rio Blanco, a small city of 30,000 in central Nicaragua where we would do our clinic work. We also travelled with several Nicaraguans who were medical professionals (dentists and doctors) and our translators. We set up the clinic once we arrived in Rio Blanco in a huge unfinished cement church building. Sunday night we visited a local church, and a few of the team members shared their testimonies with the congregation.And Monday morning we started the clinic! Monday through Friday, the day's schedule was pretty much the same. People started lining up in front of the church early in the morning, and shortly after 8 am, we arrived at the clinic. I worked in triage, getting blood pressure and vital signs, asking their chief complaint, and handing out worm pills to everyone, as parasites are quite common. We also had a mobile medical unit, which was a huge RV with two rooms inside; one for laboratory tests and x-rays, and a small surgical suite where the doctors performed minor surgeries, such as lipoma and cyst removals. I got to jump in on a few procedures and one of the doctors taught me my first sutures - which was quite exciting. :)

Overall I felt the people's health was pretty good compared to some of the places I have been. We didn't see really very much malnutrition or diarrheal diseases, and nearly all the complaints had to do with musculoskeletal pain - which is not surprising, considering most of them are farm laborers or construction workers! We usually ended clinic around 5 pm and went back to the hotel for the evening after eating at a local restaurant. The food was fantastic - it was pretty much the same every day - beans, rice, feta-like cheese, and either beef or chicken; but it was sooo delicious. Our hotel was also really nice - actually had electricity, air conditioning and running water! So we were happy! Although the weather was so nice there (upper 80's, a little rainy) that we really didn't even need the A/C.

Every morning the team would meet for devotionals, and everyone took a turn giving them. It was so amazing to me how each and every person spoke on something I could relate to and apply. During the clinic, every person that came through was also given an opportunity to pray with local Nicaraguan pastors and to hear the Gospel message. Many of us also had opportunities to pray with people as well as they came through the clinic.On Friday afternoon, we wrapped up the clinic and drove back to Managua. Saturday was spent doing some sightseeing in Granada, a historical colonial city, and the surrounding area. We also went to a volcano with a rain forest on it and went zip lining through the rain forest for about an hour, which was an incredible experience! Doing it upside down is definitely the way to go. :D (see my photos for all the fun!) And then this past Sunday, I flew back to Kansas City and collapsed into my bed, grateful for such a wonderful trip.

I never actually got a "numbers count", but I believe we saw around 1500 patients during the week of clinic. Approximately 150 people prayed to receive Christ, and around 40 chose to rededicate their lives to him. I felt so refreshed after the trip and so thankful for all that was accomplished.Thank you so much for your prayers and support! You all make these trips possible, and I couldn't do it without the Body of Christ standing behind me. Below are links to some photo albums; hope you enjoy!

Faces of Nicaragua:
Nicaragua Landscape:
Nicaragua Team & Clinic I:
Nicaragua Team & Clinic II:
Zip-Lining Through the Rainforest:
Granada/Last Night in Managua:

God bless!Whitney Klaassen, RN

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